Participation in this event is restricted to grantees of the IJ4EU Publication Support Scheme (2020/21).

Time: 10:30-12 CET

This session is tailored for investigative journalists and will provide journalists with an overview of the digital threats they face as well providing them with practical tips for securing themselves, their sources, their data, and their devices. The session will look at account security and secure storage, secure research methods, and safer forms of communication. 


Ela Stapley is a digital security advisor working with the International Women’s Media Foundation helping them to shape their online harassment initiative. She is the coordinator of this course, Online harassment: strategies for journalists’ defense. Ela trains journalists around the globe on digital security issues and provides one-to-one support for media workers in need of emergency assistance. She is interested in finding ways to help journalists, especially freelancers, be engaged with digital safety and helping them to be more secure as they go about their work. Ela is also part of the emergencies team at the Committee to Protect Journalists.

Prior to working in digital security, Ela was a freelance journalist and a teacher. She holds an MA in International Journalism from Cardiff University, UK.

This webinar is part of the coaching and training support that the IJ4EU fund provides to grantees to boost their skills and ensure the success of individual projects.

web: KontraBit