WEBINAR: The making of ‘The Gold Chain’ –

June 21, 2024 | 15:00 CEST.

Investigative journalists Ludovica Jona Lasinio (Italy) and Quentin Noirfalisse (Belgium) will reveal how the gold in your wedding ring or hard drive may have been illegally mined in the Amazon, “laundered” in the Middle East and refined in Europe.

Learn about the intricate “gold chain” that connects Amazonian gold to European markets via Dubai, and how a lack of regulation has allowed the unlawful destruction of 1.2 million hectares of rainforest and rights abuses against indigenous people.

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This webinar is part of a new IJ4EU series of free online discussions taking audiences behind the scenes of ambitious cross-border investigations in the public interest. See other scheduled sessions here. 

web: KontraBit