As summer starts, here’s a brief update from the IJ4EU fund about our work and upcoming funding opportunities.

We received 116 applications for support under the first call of the IJ4EU Investigation Support scheme, showing the strength and depth of investigative journalism in Europe. Congratulations to all teams that applied! All grants will be awarded by an independent jury of experts. We expect to notify teams around the middle of July whether the jury has selected their project for funding.

If you missed the June 14 deadline for applying to the first call of the Investigation Support scheme, don’t worry: We’ll be opening a second call in early August. Teams will once again have about six weeks to send in a project proposal. The terms and eligibility criteria will be the same; teams will be able to request up to €50,000.

In the meantime, a reminder that the IJ4EU Publication Support scheme is also up-and-running. The Publication Support scheme provides grants of up to €6,250 to cross-border investigations that are already underway. These shorter-term grants are a great opportunity if you need additional resources to finish, publish or translate the findings of your reporting. The criteria for the Publication Support scheme are the same as for the Investigation Support scheme: cross-border projects in the public interest carried about by teams in two EU countries or one EU and one EU candidate country.

The Publication Support scheme is open on a rolling basis until Sept 18 – this means you can send in a proposal anytime and you’ll receive a decision on funding quickly. IJ4EU plans to grant around €200,000 under the Publication Support scheme this year.

As always, please feel free to get in touch with our team with questions. You’ll also find many answers on our FAQ page. Wishing everyone a healthy summer.

This text reflects the author’s view and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

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